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Jordan Jay

Monday – Saturday 2PM – 7PM

Jordan Jay has been in the radio industry for almost ten years and has been featured on two stations during that time: Y107 (KTXY) and 94-3 KAT Country (KATI). Both stations have been nominated for and have won many prestigious awards, such as the Marconi Award and ACM nominations.

Jordan Jay has a wife who works in law enforcement, a 6-year-old at home, a 2-year-old, and another on the way. Most of his free time is spent with his family, as both he and his wife work crazy hours, so they take any little time they can get with one another… (Usually weekends). When not working, Jordan is normally in full daddy mode taking care of his children while his wife is out making that cash money (and the streets a little bit safer).

Jordan is a fan of almost all foods, and his hobbies include voice acting, hanging out with friends and family, drinking beer of all kinds, being outside, watching movies, playing board games, card games, and video games. He also enjoys trying to help his wife cook and bake (though he is really bad at it).

Jordan Jay loves music of all kinds. Many people make fun of his playlists for being all over the place, but according to him, variety is the spice of life!